
A cup’s worth of tears, enough to go round, pouring like a never ending storm. Was this real? Was he gone? A friend that seemed to have a never ending life was now dead. My cheeks were smeared red showing my long night of pain, and my family, none the less different. Playing with the fact that he had to go out suffering made everything worse. How could god take down something that had so much personality and so much character? Now he was gone, taken from the ones he loved the ones that loved him.
Completely and eternally gone.

I looked at his body for the last time as he was lowered into the grave. Rose petals were dropped down until finally, he lay under our torn family. I must have been scared for life if I hadn’t noticed it then. Life is delicate, and will fall apart if you let it. But I knew he was still here, he was in the tears I shed and the candle light in the window. In the blooming spring flowers and the sunshine that greeted us that afternoon. He was in all these things and more and he’s in this story I write now. But most of all he’s in me, in life, in love.